TITLE: Hunger (Part 1 of 1) AUTHOR: Leslie Sholly E-MAIL: PennySyc@aol.com DISTRIBUTION: Spookys, Ephemeral, Xemplary and Gossamer, yes. Anywhere else, with my name and address attached. And please let me know so I can feel flattered! :) SPOILER WARNING: Hungry RATING: PG CLASSIFICATION: VRA KEYWORDS: MSR SUMMARY: Alternate interpretation of "Hungry" DISCLAIMER: Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox own these characters. I mean no infringement or disrespect. *********************** Hunger by Leslie Sholly *********************** I'm so hungry. Aching, starving, desirous--all emptiness needing to be filled. This hunger has been a part of me for a long time now. At first I ignored it. Next I denied it. Then I suppressed it. The hunger is a constant companion. It consumes me. It drives me. From the moment I wake up I am in its grip. I resist its pull valiantly throughout the work day. I am weary from the battle by the time I return to my apartment. Alone there in the evenings I try to relax, staving it off with help from my videos and constant chewing of the contents of the packages that are my ever-present companions. But still it returns, haunting even my dreams. Every day, every minute, every second of my life has become a struggle against my very nature, because the only thing I want is that which I must not have. Guilt accompanies the hunger. Because I shouldn't want this. I shouldn't. I try to excuse myself. I am driven by a biological imperative, I tell myself. I can't be something I'm not. As it becomes more and more impossible to control my impulses, I try to convince myself that it would be O.K. to give into them. At this very moment, sitting here in this office, with this pretty, sincere woman whose concern is all for me, the hunger is rising within me. The hot blood is pounding in my ears. My craving is so strong I'm almost shaking with the effort to hide it. Innocent, she doesn't recognize the danger. I lick my lips hungrily. She's close. Too close. It would be so easy. But she's been so good to me. Unlike anyone else in years, she cares about me. I can feel her concern. She wants to help me. She thinks she knows me. With her science and her logic she's figured me out. Oh, if she only knew what I really am . . . What would she say if she could see the real me? I've disguised myself too well. Would she recoil from the man beneath the mask? I drink her in with starving eyes and allow myself to imagine, just for a moment, how she would taste. Just a taste--that's all I can dream of because if I let my fantasy continue I know it will be all over. So I picture my open mouth just barely touching that soft, pale flesh. Such tenderness--the saltiness, the sweetness. I am drowning in desire. If only a taste would be enough! But I know myself too well. My passion would devour her as it has others who were its victims. My hunger would drain her dry, consume her, leave only the empty shell of what she once was. Her kindness and care deserve better from me. And there is strength enough in me to continue to resist, at least for today. So I rise. I leave the office quickly, while she watches, confused, concerned. She calls after me: "Mulder, what's wrong?" "Nothing, Scully," I say. "I'm just hungry." And I retreat to another evening in my lonely apartment to watch porno flicks and eat sunflower seeds. I've won the battle today. But one day, I won't. Because I'm so hungry. THE END AUTHOR'S NOTES: Never let it be said that you can't find a way to make any episode a shipper episode! Feedback, please to PennySyc@aol.com (Leslie)